Thursday, June 01, 2006

Review of X-Men 3: The Last Stand

You can imagine my excitement as the summer movie season unfolds this year. No movie was more anticipated for me than what is presumed to be the final chapter of the X-Men movie trilogy. In fact, this date was metaphorically marked on my calendar when they announced there was to be an X-Men 2 film, because I knew a third would be inevitable. I also knew that if the second and third chapter turned out to be even half as good as the first... I would be pleased. I am happy to say that I am pleased. My wife and I went with another couple to the cinema last weekend to witness the conclusion of the X-Men story line.

The realization of all the characters was typically exemplary (save for a few drab costume choices). The special effects, both digital and physical, were seamless and outstanding. The musical score was moving but not over-powering, and the larger brush strokes of the plot were sound and entertaining. Overall I was very pleased with the film and (unlike The Matrix) be happy to have the complete trilogy in my DVD library.

Having said that there are a few problems with the film. It is unavoidable that certain characters get short shrift in this movie. The line-up is overburdened and, with the introduction of 6+ new characters, some story lines are compromised. Also, this film packs a bigger punch in the action category. But I would argue that this is not a good thing. It may be the one with the most explosions and the highest body count but you can see the sacrifice made. Many of the subtle details that were so enjoyable in the first two films are missing from this one. A great deal of the subtext about the persecution of others falls flat (or goes completely missing) in parts where it should stand as the major focal point of the film. Finally, the deviations from the x-men mythology are no greater then in this film and are seemingly unnecessary, simply executed for shock value.

The rest of this review is chock-full of spoilers so if you want the movie ruined please feel free to read on. You have been warned.

So which characters rise to the surface and which get the shaft? Where to begin. Well it goes without saying that Wolverine returns as the main protagonist of the film but while the primary focus is on his love-story with Jean, the plot-thread about his origin is completely dropped. Many of you might say that his origin story was resolved in the second film but there were hints that Wolverine's previous life was yet to be fully revealed. For example: what compelled him to volunteer for the weapon X project and what type of person was Logan if he was friends with Stryker? To make Wolverine's story even less effective Cyclops was completely removed from the love triangle when Jean murders him in the first half-hour of the film. If (logistically speaking) James Marsden was unable to participate in the entire film than I can forgive the murder of Cyclops, but if they believed Cyclops death would serve the greater plot-arch... I disagree.

Halle Berry fans will be pleased to see that Storm gets a generous portion of dialogue and is thrust into a prominent role as leader. In fact, Storm's leadership works so well that I found myself disappointed that they didn't do more with her sooner. She also flexes more mutant muscle than the other two films combined. In the finale Storm's battle with Callisto is particularly satisfying. However, Storm's anger about being persecuted (that she confesses to Nightcawler in the 2nd film) goes completely un-addressed.

Many will not be surprised that Jean Grey plays a prominent role in the final chapter of this saga. Without going into the bloody details, Jean's continued story-line is the most dramatic departure from X-Men mythology to date. It works for the purpose of telling this movie's story but it is very distracting for anyone who is familiar with the franchise. It also changes Jean's entire backstory from the first two movies, making future viewings of the previous chapters different in retrospect.

Other returning characters that benefit from this script include Iceman and Pyro. Perhaps without merit, it seamed too tempting to not give these potential arch-rivals screen time in order to pump up their final altercation. It is a crime that some of our other favorite characters did not get any more screen time, but with so many to choose from, perhaps this is inevitable. But with a running time of less than two hours I would maintain that more time could have been spent on... Mystique, Rogue, Collosus, Cyclops, and Xavior. The two most egregious of errors are Xavior and Collosus. The later being one of my favorite characters is simply a personal disappointment. Not to mention the fact that a bare-knuckle brawl between Juggernaut and the Tin-Man would have been true greatness. The former is a bigger crime. In every movie, Xavior has been neutered in some capacity. Call it a coma, call it a mental block, whatever. I was truly looking forward to Xavior flexing some mutant muscle... Especially against The phoenix. Although technically this battle was realized, it was early in the movie and all over for our great hero far to quickly and with such permanence it leaves you speechless. Perhaps that was the point.

Finally, some new characters managed to have a good showing... those being Juggernaut and Beast. Too bad Angel and Callisto couldn't be given more time. Honestly my favorite character from this installment was Kelsey Grammer's rendition of The Beast. It was the perfect balance of scientist and warrior. His sequences in the final battle were both rewarding and comical!

All in all, I'd recommend this movie to casual fans or rabid ones, but for different reasons. If you want to see a great action movie or an exciting but different version of your favorite franchise, The Last Stand is worth "standing" in line to see.


Nate said...

Cyclops was killed because Halle Berry refused to come back without more lines. They killed Cyke and gave all his lines to Storm. That was a BS choice for a BS movie.

Dagromm said...

I've read that Halle isn't coming back either way, which I'm ok with. I LOVE Hallie, but she never seemed the right choice to play Storm. I think that they should've tried to bring in a darker skinned sister and maybe at least tried to make her sound like she was from a different continent. Maybe Gabrielle Union could've played her costume from Bring it On. God that would be great. For more you can check out my comments on the Cave of Gyuss.....

Dagromm said...

I've always thought that Naomi Campbell would look good in a Storm costume too....or my bed. She's a little bit crazy though which might hinder her performance in the role of Storm, but has never had a negative impact in my bed.