Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Manhood: Confirmed!

My wife and I went to the hospital last week for the big sonogram that usually will tell parents the gender of the baby you are expecting. I am happy to say that my manhood has been confirmed twice over now as we will be having another boy! I guess I just can't help but produce male offspring. I think I would have been a great 16th century tyrant. Heirs to the throne. Generals for my armies! Yes, I am truly a man-extraordinaire!

In all seriousness, my wife and I were only praying for a healthy baby. We would have enjoyed raising a little girl, but we will equally enjoy raising another little boy. The important thing is the pregnancy appears to be progressing normally and that the baby falls in the "standard" for all measurements related to its development. For this I am truly grateful.

Even better... For the immediate future: The re-use of baby clothes and toys. For the distant future: No weddings to pay-for or horny boy friends chasing after my daughter. So all in all... life is good. Pass the turkey leg and the broadsword.


Nate said...

I would like to offer the hand of my Princess Carolina Dewback to the new prince.

Of course, this will be in exchange for a treaty between our two kingdoms and for your kingdom to declare war upon that of Dagromm's.

Dagromm said...

Don't fall for it CyberD. The Baaltars are a loathesome family (no offense Gyuss). The House of Dagromm however is known for its' beautious women and you would be much better served in an alliance with us. Of course as I've already stated. I am much more interested in the first son.

Dagromm said...

Oh and don't be so sure about the horny boyfriends. You don't know until you know. You have to start him on man stuff right away. It's never to early for him to have his first Bowflex or pump action rifle. In fact whenever you are just hanging around the house, I'd slide the baby underneath the car for the afternoon, so that he can start to develop an appreciation for automobiles. Just a little advise from somebody that's been a parent for years and hasn't had his tried and true techniques proven wrong yet.

Nate said...


I would caution you from allying yourself with the ilk of the house of Flailbreath. A man who has been cuckolded as many times as poor Dagromm will make a lousy strategic ally as we conquer the world.

I will also up my offer to allow your kingdom favored nation status in all our trade agreements.