Thursday, April 05, 2007

A Shout Out to my Blog-Brother!

In the spirit of friendship and celebration I would like to formally welcome Pokiman to Blog-Country. I've known Pokiman for nearly fifteen years. He's gone by many names during that time, one of my favorites being Thrud. I've spent the last year encouraging Poki to join his fellow brethren by starting his own blog and I am happy to say you can now check out his magnificent work at Tonight we have a REALLY BIG SHOW. In honor of this momentous occasion I would like to share some of my favorite Poki stories from our past.

The Origin Story:

It was 1992 and Gyuss and I were becoming notorious for how bad-ass were were as college freshmen. The line of friendship hopefuls went around the block two and a half times and we were swamped with resumes. Nothing impressed us and we wondered if there would ever come a day when someone else on campus could measure up to our greatness. It was a stormy Thursday night and all the wannabes had retired to their respective dorm rooms for the night. That is when there came a knock at our door. Poki stood out in the darkness of the hallway with pillow in hand and asked if he could crash in our room because it was raining in his room. G thought it was a scam to gain access to the inner-sanctum. I, on the other hand, felt that this was a desperate soul in trouble. Upon further inspection the roof had caved in and water was indeed pouring down into Poki's dorm room. As benevolent men we welcomed him in

The Pants Come Off:

Poki informs me that he can no longer spend any time in his room while his roommate is present since he accidentally caught his roommate abusing his privates while looking at a Victoria's Secret catalog. Apparently the roommate attempted to pretend to be at his desk typing a paper but his bare-ass but-cheeks shining through the crack in the chair gave him away. Later that week Gyuss and I rented The Deer Hunter and took it to Poki's room since he was the only one on the floor with a TV and VCR. With the lights down low we enjoyed the dark meanderings of Robert De Niro and Christopher Walken. After the movie, a fellow dorm dweller (we'll call him Eagle Scout) turned on the overhead lights and we noticed that Poki's pants were nowhere to be found. Gyuss screamed like a little girl and I asked Poki what the hell was going on. He said that he just feels more comfortable without the constriction of pants while watching movies. Eagle asked if Poki's roommate was "rubbing off" on him. I kindly asked Eagle to never use the words "rubbing" and "off" in this context ever again.

Just Add Water:

Poki and I decided to make a quick road-trip from our small college town into the big city. It was approximately 60 miles one way. Poki asked if I wanted to drive. For whatever reason I said no and we hopped into his little Nissan Sentra. I noticed two large one-gallon jugs of water and a dirty rag in his back seat but I failed to ask why he had them. After our jaunt into the metroplex we were making the trek back up to college when I noticed steam rising from underneath the hood of his vehicle. We were still a good twenty miles from campus and I began to worry. I suggested we pull over but Poki only shrugged and mumbled something about being good for another five miles. Eventually the smoke was more than even he could handle and we took the next available exit. We pulled into the parking lot of a cheap motel and he hopped out of his car while grabbing one of the gallon jugs. I asked him what the hell was going on and he told me not to worry as it happens all the time when one's car has no freon due to a giant hole in the radiator. With dirty rag in hand Poki screws off his water cap and boiling steam spews in all directions. He then dumps the entire jug into his water tank (half of which probably burned off in the pouring) and we continue back to campus. I suggested that next time someone asks if he wants to drive he says no.

Three is Company:

Following our years in school I would often check in with my dear friend and we would catch up on all our shenanigans including talk of women. I'll leave the rest to your imagination and Poki's discretion. Ask him about it sometime.


Q said...

Wow! that was a long post. I am not sure I know who this Pokiman character is, but welcome to blogdom none the less...

Nate said...

Damn! I'd forgotten some of those stories! Great memories!

And for the record, I leapt up at the sight of Pokiman without pants on not in shock, but a little nervous. For guy that only stands 5'5'' in pimp shoes, the dood was packing heat.

Q said...


Cyber D said...

Q, Like this post was longer than your Vegas trip with Gyuss. Perhaps I should have thrown your name into the story a few times to pique your interest.

G, I know... good times... good times!

Pokiman said...

Wow. I'm a little embarrased, for all of you...seriously you guys didn't know I was just watching you watching the Deer hunter while I played with myself under there? You guys are so naive. Traditionally, thats how you're supposed to watch Deer hunter for the first time. With someone who has seen it before, and is touching themselves while watching you watch it. In fact, thats how you're supposed to watch a lot of the movies we watched in college...but don't google this tradition, because it is an unspoken tradition, between me and my dad.

Nate said...

Hmmm...makes me wonder what Eagle Scout was doing when he me made us watch Priscilla, Queen of the Desert all those times

Dagromm said...

Oh know!!! How many times was Tombstone or True Lies watched in colllege?? P-Man, you are a machine!