Monday, June 11, 2007

Pirates 3 Review - Spoiler Alert

I finally saw the third Pirates of the Caribbean movie last week and I have to say... It was fantastic! I loved it! The pace is quick the story-telling is sharp, and the twists and turns are pleasantly unexpected. Jeffrey Rush has a flare for the humorous while remaining menacing. Johnny Depp continues to delight in a role that has great risk of becoming trite and repetitive after three films. And Chow Yun-Fat injects a new element of vile danger without making the cast feel bloated. The filming is dark, as is the script, costumes, and overall tone of the story, but this is to be expected. After the conclusion of Pirates 2, I think all fans knew it was going down this road.

Some of the high-points for me include a magnificent opening fight sequence in Singapore, a surreal and creepy depiction of Davey Jones' Locker, the duplicitous double-crossing of various characters, and a visually stimulating portrayal of the Pirate Lords that range from Chinese thugs to French bandits to Arabian thieves. And I have to say I'm not too disappointed in the somewhat predictable ending for Will Turner and Elizabeth Swan.

Now for some criticism.

My biggest problem with the film was the introduction and use of the Calypso character. Supposedly Pirates 2 and 3 were written simultaneously and if this is the case, why does the introduction of the Sea Goddess feel so random? Could her role in the overall story not have been worked more smoothly into the fabric of the overall mythos? Additionally, I am still perplexed why Captain Soa Feng (Chow Yun-Fat) mistakes Elizabeth Swan for the human form of Calypso and how Captain Barbossa (Rush) appears to know better from the very start.

Of course the Sea Goddess' role in the films is given more weight as you learn why she was forced to bring Barbossa back from the dead, but if both Barbossa and Sparrow each hold a position as one of the nine Pirate Lords... why was one serving the other on The Black Pearl prior to the first film?

In addition to plot problems such as these, I find it boardering on retarded the way the action in this series goes from the (larger-than-life) theatrical to the ridiculous (ala Matrix/Charlie's Angels)! I know... I know... I can suspend my disbelief for the walking dead and supernatural monsters, but I cannot allow my brain to believe that mere humans can swoop from the masts of various different pirate ships all within the swirling winds of a hurricane!

It is also perplexing to me why the giant sea-battle we expect at the end comes down to the Black Pearl and the Flying Dutchman fighting it out over a maelstrom. Then both ships turn on the British flag-ship blowing it to smithereens, Die Hard style. Apparently this is enough to take the "wind out of the sales" of the entire British Armada and sends them packing!

Finally I understand that Turner and Swan needed to get married for the ending of the movie to work, but I am stupefied as to why it needed to be in the middle of a sea-battle. It just felt silly.

So in conclusion, as you can see, I feel this movie really sucked. I mean... badly! I hated it.


Dagromm said...

I'm confused by your review. The wedding in the middle of the battle I was ok with. The fighting while standing on the rigging with a peg leg was a little much and didn't look to good either.
Have you ever thought about using the A - F system of grading? It might help.

Q said...

Your review lacked the sensible thinking that I am used to from a CyberD movie review.

So from your post I can conclude that you thought it was a Fantastic!, terrible movie? Personally I did not like it that much, but I am not a huge fan of this series.

I give it an F+

Cyber D said...

Dags, don't you mean an A- system of grading?

Q, super-fantastic terrible movie!

Nate said...

Nope, not gonna get sucked in. My policy has been: give me a sucky 2nd movie, I ain't coming back for the third just because it completes the trilogy.

LOTR and SW both managed to have awesome 2nd films.

fringes said...

I'll watch Geoffrey Rush in a film about dental hygiene, he is that awesome. I'll get to this one on DVD.

Tera said...

It was a pretty dark movie, and confused me in parts, but it wasn't horrible...

Which sparks a question...which trilogies OR 2 parters do you guys think are good in entirety?

heather said...

i'm not gonna read this one till after i see the movie. which will be a while cause i've heard too many bad reviews on it. i'm gonna wait till it's on hbo or something. no point in spending perfectly good beer money on an iffy movie. ;-)

Dagromm said...

Tera - Bill and Ted, the Oh God! movies, the Lord of the Rings, the Evil Dead series, and the Emmanuelle movies.

Dagromm said...

Scooter - Geoffrey Rush was awesome in Mystery Men. I can't imagine a better Casanova Frankenstein.

Cyber D said...

Gyuss, Attack of the Clones sucked! What are you talking about?

Fringes, Rush is one of the best things about the movie.

Tera, good question. I agree with Dags, the Bill and Ted Trilogy rocks! Also the original Star Wars trilogy is great but if you have to lump in the prequals than it doesn't qualify based on the "entirety" clause that you mentioned. I'd also put the Indiana Jones trilogy into the class of greatness.

heather, I'm glad I warned you about the spoilers then.

Dags, You are a man of taste!

Tera said...

Okay, am I a loser because I enjoyed both "Ace Venturas (I may be slightly biased since I think Jim Carey is the shit!)"

I also like "Friday" AND "I Know What You Did Last Summer"...hey, what do you think they'll name the next one? "Do You Think I Forgot"

Cyber D said...

tera, I don't think I've seen any of the films you mention. I must be missing out.

Tera said...

Yes, my dear, you are TRULY missing out. I must work on a movie list for you ASAP!

Dagromm said...

Tera - We all have our guilty pleasures. I forgive you.