Monday, July 28, 2008

Quad-Fest 2008

We all knew the day would come. The day that Gyuss decided a disease-infested-over-flooded-mile-wide river that flows from Minnesota to Louisiana would rip him from the annual gaming weekend that has come to be known as Quad-Fest! Luckily our "quad" was still intact with a REAL out-of-town bad ass! That's right... Pokiman rolled into town for a one night only extravaganza of gaming delight. But I'm getting ahead of myself. I should back up to Friday.

Friday was a day for the dynamic duo. And that day was filled with an abundance of margaritas. Margaritas, senoritas, and Golf! Top Golf to be precise. This year instead of a rousing game of Ultimate Frisbee we decided to play 5 rounds of the game of kings! Oh that's chess? Well then I guess it was the game of drunken Scotsman. Because Dagromm, and I decided to try out Top Golf. Essentially it is a two-story driving range with gigantic electronic targets all over the range. You sink up your bucket of micro-chipped golf balls with an account you open at the range. Then every time you hit one of your balls onto the range and hit one of the targets you get points for accuracy and distance. Points! That's right... points! It turns driving range practice into a game. A game where you don't have to haul your ass all over God's green earth. A game where all you have to do is sit at your table and order drinks from the beer girl that strolls by. Needless to say I won 4 out of 5 rounds and the whole day was awesome.

We then met up with Pokiman on Saturday morning for 15 hours of non-stop hot gaming action. We decided to break away from the monotony of Dagromm's house and move venues. Actually the fact that Dagromm is re carpeting his entire estate was the reason why we had to move venues. That and his wife no longer allows friends to come over after Dagromm showed up one night with a gang of Hells Angels he met at the bar in his local Bennigans. They said they needed a place to "lay low" for a night or two. Need I say more? It just so happened that my new office building has an entire floor that is one gi-mungus conference room with kitchenette. So we crashed my office and spread out our gear all over the room. We declared nuclear war, we slaughtered orcs and goblins in a dark underworld, we raced sports cars across the French countryside, we wagered on mythical titans in gladiatorial combat, and we ate ham and cheese sandwiches all day long. Glorious was every minute. I also believe that I won 4 out of 5 rounds on this day as well. But that was to be expected.

Rock Me!


M. Robert Turnage said...

That was a great read! I am so glad you didn't kill any kittens during these escapades.

heather said...

so your wife doesn't allow you to bring friends over anymore either huh?
lol, sounds like you guys had fun, the top golf sounds cool. wonder if they have anything like it up here?
gotta go google.

heather said...

shoot, only il, tx and va so far and a few places in the united kingdom.
someday soon i hope.

NoRegrets said...

MRT, he just didn't want to mention the slaughter. Or, I forget, is it not masturbation if you do it in front of other people?
Did you name all the ORCs Gyuss?

M. Robert Turnage said...

NoR, EXCELLENT point. I think if it is to entertain other people, the kittens get to live.

Nate said...

I hate all of you.

Me said...

So is THAT why Bennigan's closed down more than 1000 of its' stores?

Nate said...

Really? It sends a message?

Me said...

Well, it did for me...

Me said...

Okay, well it didn't that last time, but it certainly did before. That's how I know CyberD went on vacation last week from his job and will return on Monday. And he works with a gal with a sexy-ass name who can be called if we really REALLY need him!

Tera said...

Quad Fest isn't Quad Fest without Gyuss!!! Hmph!

BTW when will MrT get his nomination to join the quad?