Sunday, December 31, 2006

A Streak Ends

After 11 glorious years I am very sad to announce that my long-standing streak of never having to worship at the foot of Mr. Tidy Bowl has come to an end. As a part of the pestilent bio-hazard that my in-laws used to curse my family it turns out a nasty stomach virus was part of the package. I haven't wretched like that in my entire life and I hadn't blown chunks at all since the fall of 1995 when I got food poisoning in college. Thanks again for a wonderful Christmas visit, Jane and family!


Nate said...

the gift that keeps on giving!

Dagromm said...

Dude, we had graduated by the fall of 96. Or at least I THOUGHT we all had. Is the truth of CyberD's coomunity college degree coming out?

Cyber D said...

Okay, Dags. Forgive my flu infested brain for like two freakin minutes! I guess it was an eleven year streak and it was the fall of 1995. Jesus. I give up!

Cyber D said...
