Monday, January 08, 2007

My run in with Big Dirty...

I took my son to Toys R' Us this weekend. There are still a few more Saturdays left that my wife works so I've got to be creative with how we spend our time. I mean, I can't have him sit in front of the idiot box for ten hours straight... my wife would catch on when my son starts to only speak in catch-phrases from his favorite tv shows. Toys R' Us is great because of all the different kinds of crap kids can play with in the store.

You can imagine my surprise when I ran into Dagromm's good friend, Big Dirty. "How unexpected!" I said in a half-hearted attempt to sound interested in Big Dirty's weekend reason for being at the local Toys R' Us.

"Not as unexpected as you might think..." he responded with hands clutched in front of his belt-buckle.

"Okay..." I responded awkardly, "So... what's up?" I asked.

"Dude, did you know that TRU is the absolute best place to meet hot-moms?"

"What?" I asked in disblief.

"Like that one," said Big Dirty, ignoring my last question. He pointed his outstreatched arm to a young mother and her toddler as they made their way through the store. The young mother looked over in our direction as Big Dirty continued to stand there with pointer finger gunning her down like a sniper tracking its prey. "Ain't that right!" he called out to her. "I could totally hit that," he said to me as he ignored her fleeing from his pressence around the corner and down the Barbie aisle.

"What's your problem?" I asked dumb-founded.

"You know what the best thing is about moms, dude?" he asked, still ignoring my questions.

"I've got to go." I attempted to end the conversation.

"The've got experiance, ya know. Teenagers are over-rated." Big Dirty asserted.

"And illegal." I added.

"Yeah, that too," he responded only half listening as he stared down another mom who was pushing her cart through the store with two kids under the age of six.

Luckily my son insisted on playing with the Thomas the Train set, so I was forced to leave Big Dirty to his antics.

"Later." I said.

"You know it." he responded with emphasis on the word "know."


Nate said...

Big Dirty Rulz!

He's My Space...and webcams

Q said...

Everything I hear about that Big Dirty character leads me to believe that he and I should hang out!

Cyber D said...

You two would get along famously! Accept for the whole personal hygiene issue.

Nate said...

Hygiene is very important.

That's why I take a shower once a month, whether I need it or not.