Wednesday, January 10, 2007


My wife has been seeing her doctor in preperation for the arrival of the baby for some time now. We changed insurance companies with my new job, back in October and the financial advisor for her doctor's office is just now telling us that (with the change) we now owe an extra $1,000 and that they needs it ASAP as we are supposed to be fully paid this close to the end of the pregnancy.

What a load of garbage. We told them that they knew about the insurance change in October and we could have had three months to spread out any extra payments. Now they're comming at us wanting the full amount ASAP? Forget it! They will get their money but it's going to take a couple of months.

The good news is I prepped my wife on what to say to our Doctor. Screw the doctor's accountant. I don't care what she thinks. So my wife mentioned ouf beef with the pencil-pusher to her doctor and she must have said something to her accountant because the bean-counter changed her tune.

My mother likes the saying "You get more flies with honey," but I'm begining to believe you get more flies by being a hard-ass and refusing to be pushed around.


Dagromm said...

Yeah!!! F@#* bills!!

Cyber D said...


Nate said...

I don't know if this is the approach I would have taken.

I think I would have told my wife, "Honey, it looks like you won't be able to have that baby this month. I'm going to need you to hold it in for while. Now go in the kitchen and get daddy a beer."

Q said...

Chapter 11...

mist1 said...

Maybe you will have to wander around town, knocking on every door to see if you can deliver the baby there. I heard a story about this guy who was born in like a barn or something because no one would let him mom deliver because she owed $1,000. I think that's how the story goes.

Nate said...

Your post reminded me of this old Tom Tomorrow cartoon

Cyber D said...

Mist1, welcome to The Wheel. Yeah, I'd be very afraid of not paying up before my wife goes into labor. Luckily our doctor is really cool about this sort of thing. The Hospital is another matter.

Q said...

I just read that Gyuss, that was funny are there more of those?

Cyber D said...

fringes, welcome to The Wheel. Yes, our doctor was very helpful. Both my wife and I are gentle souls and my biggest worry was that my wife would take her complaint to the doctor and the doctor would turn all "business" on her. It would have totally tainted the relationship and really hurt my wife. Luckily the doctor was very cool and very considerate of our needs. But, hell! We're repeat customers! That should stand for something!