Thursday, January 04, 2007

What Type of Super Hero Are You?

Your results: You are Superman

Superman 75%
The Flash 75%
Robin 68%
Wonder Woman 63%
Supergirl 58%
Green Lantern 50%
Spider-Man 40%
Hulk 25%
Catwoman 25%
Batman 20%
Iron Man 20%

You are mild-mannered, good, strong and you love to help others.

So this was a link I found at The Cave of Gyuss, so go check it out and post your own superhero story. I find this to be quite interesting for three reasons.

1) I'm F-ing Superman which is bad-ass.
2) It says I'm also 63% Wonder Woman, 58% Supergirl, and 25% Catwoman which is totally hot.
3) If you add up all the percentages it makes me 519% Superhero which is so true about the greatness of me! Wait a minute... did I read that wrong?


Q said...

I would have guessed The Flash for you because of your superhuman speed. But I never would have thought Superman...

Nate said...

I only loved the Supergirl part of you

Dagromm said...

You're a lot of woman!