Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy VD!

I suppose it is customary to wish everyone you know a happy (insert-holiday). I know I always make it a point to wish practicing Christians a Merry Christmas, and Happy Easter. It's always a safe bet with wishing any American a Happy Thanksgiving, and you can't go wrong wishing all mother's a Happy Mother's Day. Speaking of Mother's Day, this brings up an issue for me and I'll lump Valentine's Day in there as well.

What's the point, other than to sell cards, candy, and flowers? I realize that complaining about the consumerism conspiracy behind such holidays isn't a brand-new hot-sports-opinion but I feel the need to bring it up. Aren't these holidays of appreciation just a business model for Hallmark and Godiva to boost profits? As husbands, fathers, sons, and boy-friends, shouldn't we be appreciating our spouses every day of the year? I know I try to express appreciation to my wife as often as possible. Does one really need mother's day to tell your mom you love her?

I'd say my wife falls in the middle when it comes to the broad spectrum of how women feel about Valentine's Day. She's fairly traditional and sentimental so she always likes to see that I've put out a little thought and effort. Of course every man knows this is the most difficult part. I'm lucky in that she doesn't need, expect, or even want me to demonstrate grand financial gestures, and she is almost always willing to postpone the actual celebration of a special day until later in the month if life gets in the way (that even includes birthdays). Nevertheless, there is something about flowers that always makes her happy.

What is it about spending money on something that one will have nothing to show for in three days? I don't get it. I don't suppose I'm genetically designed to understand why it is important. I guess I just need to know that it IS important.


Dagromm said...

I address this very topic on my blog, The House of Dagromm. If you need answers to this or any other of life's tough questions, then I urge you to stop on by.

Cyber D said...

If you want to roll over and play nice with Dagromm, be my guest! Get the hell off The Wheel! Otherwise feel free to complain all you like about VD.

Dagromm said...

You need to learn to embrace your VD!!!

Q said...

I have no complaints about vd CyberD. In fact that is the one bond that you and I have that no one can take away.

Cyber D said...

I thought I told you never to speak of that openly, Q!

Q said...

You also said you loved me...

Q said...

I am not sure what to listen to anymore...

Nate said...

I feel lied all of you

You said I was special

Dagromm said...

Yeah, like you get to take the "special bus" to school.