Thursday, February 22, 2007

Once more unto the breach!

There's a reason that a vast majority of children are born more than two years apart from each other in a single family. It's because it takes that long for parents to forget all the crappy parts of raising an infant. Don't get me wrong, I love my son and there isn't a day that goes by that he doesn't fill my spirit with a joy that lacks compare, but he was one difficult baby!

Spit-up, diapers, colic, and sleepless nights are just some of the things one expects as they face parenting for the first time. It's only after you've experienced the joys of caring for a baby that you become fully aware of the highest highs and the lowest lows of that physical, mental, and emotional roller-coaster.

And now upon the eve of the birth of my second son my wife and I are reminded of (not the specific challenges because time has wiped those from our memory but) the battle of bringing a new life into the world. We are steeling our resolve, marshaling our resources, tapping into our reserves, and mustering the militia. Lil' Higgins will soon be on his way.

Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!


Dagromm said...

Lil' Higgins! Lil' Higgins! Lil' Higgins! Lil' Higgins!!!!

fringes said...

Congratulations. I was gonna blogment over on Dagromm's blog, but it felt a little testy. I'll just hang out here for a minute.

Cyber D said...

I appreciate all cries of encouragement. As we patiently await for the momment to strike and for us to make our way to the hospital it is comments such as these that fill the troops with renewed vigor!

Dagromm said...

Fringes-What do you mean testy?!??? Huh? Huh? Testy my ass. Actually that sounds kind of sexual. So never mind.