Thursday, May 03, 2007

You Might Feel A Little Pressure

I did my job. I made my contribution to society. I repopulated the earth with little cyber-tots and now it's time to look towards my own future. A wise man once said that one should never eat steak with cling-wrap around your tongue and I agree with him whole heartedly. But my marriage, my mental-health, and my mutual funds can NOT handle any more cyber-offspring... at least not any that I will acknowledge without DNA testing!

So the time is rapidly approaching where I will make that long slow march to the doctor's office so that he can... disengage the electronic fuel injection... so to speak. We haven't settled on a date yet but it's only a matter of time now. I've made my peace with it. I've consulted others who took the plunge. They didn't claim to have a problem with it. Nevertheless, nothing tightens the sphincter more than the concept of someone assaulting your naughty-bits with a scalpel. You go your whole life avoiding damage to your "commander-in-chief" and now you're expected to just flop it out onto some cold, harsh, linoleum table for some quack doctor to hack it off with a skill saw!!

Holy Christ on a crutch!!! What the hell is wrong with you people? Talk about crushing a man's will to live!!!!

I need a drink.


Nate said...

Cyberman, it's really freeing. Do it! No regrets!

Q said...

Do it CyberMan! I would do it if the insurance company would foot the bill!

Cyber D said...

The insurance company does foot the bill.

Nate said...

Q, I can almost guarantee your insurance company will pay for it. Much cheaper than the alternatives.

Dagromm said...

The auto insurance will cover it if yuo can do significant enough damage to the area through a car accident.

Q said...

Cyberman, my insurance company said that I had to be married for them to cover it. I thought that I would just do it myself Gyuss. Dagromm, nice!

Nate said...


How do you give an Aggie a vasectomy?

Hand him a lit firecracker, and ask him to count to 10

1..2..3..4..5..(lemme hold this between my legs so I can count on the other hand)...6...7..

heather said...

cute g-man, cute.

i've asked several times about getting my tubes tied and i keep getting told no. i'm too young, don't have enough kids, healthy and on my first marriage. :-(

Dagromm said...

heather - I think it's completely selfish of the guy to let his wife get her tubes tied when he could much more easily get a vasectomy. The procedure for men is much less invasive, less dangerous, and less expensive.

Nate said...

Dagromm, ditto

Pokiman said...

When is medical science going to catch up with veterinary science? You wanna neuter you dog? Easy, they have a pill for that. One pill, and apparently Fido is done.

heather said...

ordinarily i would agree with you but this week i don't really care if he has more kids. i'm not giving birth to them though ~or~ taking care of them. the thing of it is, is that ~i~ don't want anymore kids and i should have access to a surgery to prevent that just as easily as a man would.

Steph said...

Haaaahaha! Lets hope the scalpel doesn't slip and he chops off a great chunk of your manhood. :P

Q said...

Steph, I believe that would be like getting blood from a turnip, most of it was seized some years back...

Cyber D said...

G, That's a good one. I heard that for the fist time when I saw Johnny Carson live on the set of The Tonight Show. Still makes me grin.

Dags, I'm surprised you feel that way. I guess I should expect to hear of you washing dishes with an apron next.

Poki, the pill would probably end up giving you cancer.

heather, I hear ya! Girl Power!

steph, You humor is my pain!

Q, I should submit your blogment to BAD Radio for their mixed metaphor play-offs.

Q said...

Dude you are wrong that is the metaphor. Ther was no remixing done...