Sunday, November 04, 2007

Happy and Healthy... It's So EASY!!!

My wife and I are like many other couples in their mid thirties with multiple children. We're strapped for time, money, energy, and sleep. It shouldn't be a surprise that the stresses of life, work, and parenting can take it's toll on the body. We see the aging process occurring live and in living color and nobody likes that. The glorification of youth has never been more present in our culture and I'm not immune to the desire to lose weight, look younger, and remain relevant in a constantly changing society.

So like many others, we occasionally try to turn over a new leaf, be it diet, exercise, or any other multitude of things. But what really sets me off are these articles on the news and talk shows that try to tell you how easy it is to add years to your life, lose fifty pounds, and have limitless energy. It's always just three simple steps isn't it? That's because they teach you in presentations 101 that an audience can't follow anything longer than three steps. The fact of the matter is, it's never that easy!

Let's take last night for example. Mrs. Cyber and I had finally got the kids down for the night around 9pm. We look around at the house and it is a complete wreck. Dishes piling up, toys strewn about everywhere, laundry needing to be done, etc. etc. You get the idea. As we are cleaning we have a popular talk show running on the television in the background. Once again, the host and her guest is tells us about three simple steps that will give us a happy and healthier life. This includes avoiding high fat and high sugar foods. It also includes just thirty minutes of exercise every day. Finally the most important thing is to get more sleep.

You have got to be fucking kidding me!

So you mean to tell me that between the sleepless nights we suffer with our infant, we have to find away to make all our meals at home (to avoid fast food) that then requires us to keep back the avalanche of dirty dishes that comes with eating at home every meal. If that isn't enough we also are expected to fit in thirty minutes of exercise. That requires getting up earlier than usual in order to exercise before the kids awake (or I leave for work) because once the kids are up and at it, it's all about their busy schedule. Finally, and MOST importantly, go to bed early to get more sleep. Screw me sideways! How is all of this possible? You either have to have super-speed or an army of servants to do all the dirty work in your home.

I give up! I'm going to McDonald's!


Nate said...

I hear ya Cyber. In between my Warcraft dungeon raiding, Heroclix tourneys, jumping out of planes, and watching NFL football, I hardly have any time for myself.

Susan said...

Sleep is the answer? I'm screwed.

Tera said...

Sounds like you've got to learn quick tips on 15 minute meals! Besides, I hear when they drop a cigarette in the chili at Wendy's, they just pick out the butt and stir in the ashes!

Steph said...

Can you pick me up a Big Mac while you're there? cheers ;)

Cyber D said...

G, I hate you.

susan, we're both screwed!

tera, 15 minute meals are all well and good but the dishes one gets dirty still take a fuck-all long time to clean.

steph, you want fries with that?

heather said...

screw me sideways! at cyber d's!? man i love that phrase, never thought i'd see it here though. lol

i know what you mean though about there not being enough time. there never is.

Tera said...

"Fuck-all..." this is newness that I truly and fully appreciate.