Monday, March 31, 2008

Firing Blanks

Well, the deed is done. I went under the knife last week and my doc cut the main line... so to speak. I now join the ranks of G-Dog and Dagromm who no longer are able to spawn any more children. The only difference is that mine wasn't court mandated.

I have to say that the surgery itself wasn't terrible. There were only two moments of "make you want to jump up and slap that son of a bitch" pain. Following that, the recovery could have been much worse, but my old friend... I mean my new friend vicoden made all the difference in the world.

Now I'm back at my desk with a bottle of extra strength Tylenol. Only thing now left to do is empty the remainder of the clip. Apparently I'm still potent for a good three months. So watch out ladies!


Me said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww SHOOT! (Pun intended)

Now is to having all the raw uninhibited sex. This is wonderful being. Mazel Tov!

In other words; WORK IT BOY!!

"The only difference is that mine wasn't court mandated." lol awesome

Nate said...

So you tried doing any jumping jacks yet?

Cyber D said...

Alan, Doc still has me waiting a week before I paint the town red.

Gyuss, I can barely do my deep lunges, no f-ing way I'm going to do a jumping jack!

Tera said...

Damn Cyber! I didn't realize you were going to get clipped and snipped! My what bravery! Most men ask the Mrs. to go for a are indeed an unselfish man :)

Susan said...

"Boom stick" as a tag is perfect.

NoRegrets said...

Did you take pictures when everything was swollen?

Cyber D said...

Tera, Men who "ask" their lady to get the tubal are chicken shit bastards. I know a few guys who decided with their wife that after their third C-section they would go ahead and do the tubal. That's fine.

Susan, I hoped somebody would appreciate that.

Nore, nope. I want no memory of this. In fact I asked the doctor if he could give me an amnesiac but he refused.

Me said...

This Saturday, CyberD!! Are you ready?! You've got the perfect excuse for propping up yer feet and having the little lady and kiddies waiting on your every beck and call while--


The Doctor Returns!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

(I know, I know, before I wished everlasting carnality upon your vittles, but as long as the Doc says you have to heal...might as well take full advantage!)

Cyber D said...

I wasn't aware that it was starting up again, but that's just a by-product of TiVo. I don't pay attention anymore. Thanks for the heads up. Now I have something to schedule around this weekend!

Me said...

Well, I mean, it's premiering in England this Saturday--but there are WAYS to bridge the distance. I shall be watching it early Sunday morning thanks to I S O H U N T dot COMMMM ..!

For those who are offended by the use of agents like BitTorrent, I disavow all knowledge of the preceding message.

Nate said...

Is Lil Magnum jumping on daddy's lap yet?

Me said...

Why do I get the feeling that Gyuss likes the sound of screaming as much as I do? (Guys-only please. No female screaming allowed in MY world).

Dagromm said...

Vicodin???? Why when I had it done, all I did was slap the area a few times to numb the pain then I went out back and chopped wood for the fire. I guess that was back when men were men. Times sure have changed.