Saturday, June 28, 2008

When Titans Collide!

The air was filled with an electric energy just before the fateful reunion took place. Tens of thousands had gathered from across the world to witness what would surely be a momentous event. As the crowd began to swell and the media swirled in circles a host of angles sprang forth from the heavens and shined their blessed light down onto the earth. For MRT and CyberD finally reunited after a decade apart. They reached out and grasped hands and the crowd roared with celebration. Camera bulbs flashed and a symphony orchestra spontaneously erupted with Beethoven's Ode to Joy. The two titans of mankind stood for a moment amidst the throngs of mortals before sitting before a bountiful feast.

Much was said between these two warriors of old but even more was communicated. They regaled each other with tales of wonder that defined a decade long journey of exploration and adventure. No topic was off limits with these two stalwart titans as politics, religion, and Indiana Jones were discussed at great length. Then when all the food had been eaten and the wine and been drunk the two icons of time stood up from their feast and agreed that such a reunion would become a regular part of their heroic rituals. Finally, after an exchange of business cards and emails they parted ways with thoughts of the next reunion in their mind's eye.


Nate said...

That's weird, this doesn't explain how your Cyber parts and his Viking parts collided with such sexual energy. I mean, you sent me so many text messages saying how much better he was than me. I figured you'd blog about it.

M. Robert Turnage said...

It is not the collision as much as the cuddle afterward. Such things are difficult to write about because the fingers inevitably tremble. So, please, give the manly manly man a break.

(And anyone who has gone to a LOLCATZ site knows texting does not count as writing. Just because he typed out "MRT > GB" it doesn't count as writing because no vowels were involved.)

NoRegrets said...

But I thought G was the master cuddler! Wow, the truths I learn from surfing the interwebs.

M. Robert Turnage said...

You know, Gyuss's real gift in college was not so much cuddling as it was arguing. In fact, you could say he was a Master Debater.


Tera said...

I have to learn to completely formulate my response before reading Gyuss'............LMAO!!!

heather said...

yep, sounds like a couple of married superheros alright :-)

so, cyber, g and mrt went to college together. how did q and dags join the mix? has mrt met q and dags? or are they as yet unknowns?

M. Robert Turnage said...

I know Q, although I am not sure how well he remembers me. I am guessing Dags came after my time to the same institute of higher learning.

Cyber D said...

MRT, actually I think you have that the other way around. You know Dags and Q came later. Q's the baby in the group. Regarding the real and true to life events of my lunching with MRT...? What happens in the back seat of my car stays in the back seat of my car. Besides, it's not gay if you don't open your eyes during. Go Cowboys!

Nate said...

If your eyes were closed were you pretending it was Freshman year all over again?

heather said...

i thought it wasn't gay if you didn't push back...

or is that just q's version of it?

where has he been anyway? did fringes tie him up again? or is it the new puppies that have him tied up?

Q said...

Heather, CyberD always pushes back.

Me said...

I hope y'alls womenfolk know, tha's all I'm saying. 'Cause if y'alls wanna get freaky, we can get freaky-deaky!