Monday, April 24, 2006

Battle Royale

Like me, you may have asked yourself: "Who, amongst the icons of science fiction and fantasy entertainment, would be the ultimate victor in a winner-take-all showdown?" How many countless arguments have you had with your friends about the better warrior - Xena or Luke Skywalker? The better wizard - Gandalf or Emperor Palpatine? Or the tougher robot - The Terminator or Robocop?

Over the course of the next few days all these questions and many more will be answered. I have taken it upon myself to answer this great mystery of life. To begin our competition, a traditional "field of 64" was chosen with 16 entrants in each of 4 brackets. The brackets represent 4 different types of contestants. The first bracket consists of Robots or Cyborgs. The second bracket consists of all manner of Monsters. The third bracket represents the brains of our competition. From the separate genres these are the sorcerers and scientists. Finally, what would a battle royale be without the mighty warriors? Obviously the silver-screen and television have so many tremendous characters to choose from. So you will forgive some blatant omissions. Some of the choices were an attempt to make sure that one particular franchise didn't have too many combatants in any one bracket. What you will find is a respectable list of characters from a wide range of worlds.

Now the battle must begin. For those of you who like to play along at home, an interactive web-space has been created for you to decided who you think should win such a tournament. Simply check out the web link for Music Reviews and click on the title "Icon Invitational."

Now for a few rules. Certain standards must be maintained. Don't you agree? The higher seed in each match-up is assumed to have the home-court advantage, using their universe as a back-drop for the combat. It should be noted that each combatant is assumed to bring certain equipment or weapons into the arena. It basically depends on the context of the character. While vehicles and spacecraft would be ridiculous, all manner of laser-gun, sword, protective armor, magical item, and even scientific gadget is allowed. Rest assured no tournament would be complete without its fair share of upsets so you can guarantee a little bit of random luck will factor into this tournament as well.

Finally all our questions will be answered. Let the battle begin!

Next Installment - Meet the Combatants: Robots and Cyborgs

P.S. A special thanks to The Q and Dagromm for their assistance with the interactive website and some of the combatant profiles.


Q said...

When will I be able to envoke the Jerry O'Connell Rule?

Dagromm said...

Lookin' good. More pictures!!

Cyber D said...

Jerry O'Connell will be in the third installment of round 1. Stay tuned!

heather said...

i'm familiar with sliders (i miss that show, i loved it) but don't know what the jerry o'connell rule is. will this be explained later? is there gonna be a test? i already have a final on wed and don't think i can take the pressure.