Monday, November 20, 2006

The Brain Head

My wife and I were playing in the back yard with our son this weekend. We had just purchased a sand-box and we were all enjoying a pleasant afternoon. In Texas you can still have those well into December. It almost makes up for the scorching 100+ temperatures in the months of July, August, and September.

At two years old my son never ceases to amaze me. He is now proving to be quite the rambunctious kid. My wife and I have gotten into a regular habit of attempting to predict the ways in which he will "act out" for the sole reason that we will be better prepared to discipline him in a reasonable yet effective way.

With the new sand-box we could pretty much guess that trying to put water into the sand-box is one thing we are going to have to address. It doesn't sound like a big deal but it's a great deal easier to clean up a sandy child than a muddy one. We also guessed correctly that tossing sand out into the yard was another behavior would have to account for. But who would have predicted the enthusiastic and relentless nature with which my son would attempt to shovel sand into his mouth? At least one might think that after the first attempt, the taste of gritty sand would deter a second attempt. Not so. Because of the reaction he got from Mom and Dad, he was more than prepared to swallow sand again. To him it was hilarious!

So I am lying on the couch later that night pondering how my son came to this decision. What synapse in his brain generated that creative idea? It's unfathomable... He is well beyond putting EVERYTHING in his mouth. We haven't worried about choking hazards in months. He's even reached an age where he has an opinion about what food he eats. I mean, he doesn't want to eat eggs with his bacon in the morning but a mouth full of dirt sounds like a good time!

I guess I can't complain. It's creative, I'll give him that. Who knows, perhaps that creativity in his little kid-brain-head will be the same creativity that wins him a noble peace prize, or helps him create the next best invention since sliced bread.

Monday, November 13, 2006

New Boss

For those that read this blog on a regular basis, you will know that with the start of my new job came a little bit of anxiety around the question-mark that is my new boss. Because there was a delay on hiring the executive director of my department, they did not want to wait any longer on hiring the directors, so I was one of three people given offers prior to the arrival of my new boss. Meaning what? Again, for those of you who read this blog, you will know that I haven't had the greatest luck with bosses. Every single boss I have ever had has been fired from the organization where I worked with them. So you can imagine my trepidation when it comes to bosses.

So I start thinking this guy is going to hate me since he wasn't involved in the hiring. Well, that's just my emotions talking. I'll not even bore you with all the details of all the other bizarre nightmares I've worried about as it relates to the new guy.

Long story - short... I met him today and he seams like a nice guy. I mean how much can you really figure out after meeting him for just a few minutes? Only time will tell.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Working in Mysterious Ways

My grandfather passed away this week from long-standing heart problems. He had suffered from heart issues for many years but my family never would have guessed that an aortic anuerism from ten years ago would be the source of the problem. At 92 years old we were very grateful to have had so many wonderful years with him. He was a good man and we all miss him very much.

Over the course of this week I was able to spend a little time with him before he passsed. My sister and her husband also flew into town to be with the family. Seeing family is always nice but never under these circumstances... only I find it amazing how God always works in mysterious ways. My sister needed someplace to stay for the past week so we offered our place, giving my son the very unusual opportunity to spend a consdierable amount of time with his aunt and uncle.

They are truley great with my son but have only ever had a handful of days to make an impression before they had to fly home once again. The bond I have seen develop between them and my son has been the unexpected positive experiance of this very sad occasion and I can't help but smile when I am able to capture momments like this on camera.

This last week has been very difficult but I am grateful that I can still have the tiniest positive memory from this experiance as well.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Heroes is a Good

I've watched all the first season episodes and I'm definitely hooked until the end of the season. I hate the fact that the plot moves at a snails pace but I like the characters and I look forward to the over-arching plot unfolding. All in all I give it two thumbs up.

In general the powers that our heroes possess have a new and unique spin on some age old super powers. The super strength single mom, Niki can apparently only access her power through her split personality, Jessica. Peter, the inevitable leader of the group, has the ability to mimic powers that others possess without any real powers of his own. Issac the painter is a pre-cog but he can only access his abilities when he is high on drugs. Perhaps the most familiar of powers is the healing powers of Claire the cheerleader which appear to be exactly like the super healing powers of Wolverine from X-Men.

What is most compelling up to this point is the mystery around the villains. Who are they and what is there agenda? As of right now Claire's own father is the front-runner on possible villainy along with his telepathic side-kick. The mysterious serial killer Sylar has yet to be uncovered but there are all kinds or theories amongst the fan base. Finally there is the mobster Mr. Lindermen who is attempting to control the would-be politician and reluctant hero, Nathan. There are some that even believe Niki's alter ego: Jessica is a villain and possibly one of the main villains.

What is certain is that this show refuses to simply display typical archetypes that we have so often seen in other forms of the genre. I myself predict that many of the flawed characters are destined to be our heroes and not part of the villainy. It makes their victory all the more satisfying when Niki can overcome the force that is Jessica, when Issac kicks his addiction, and when Nathan finally accepts his role in the universe.

I personally can't wait for the story to unfold. It is unfortunate that it is taking a page from the colossally slow story-telling book that is Lost.