My wife and I were playing in the back yard with our son this weekend. We had just purchased a sand-box and we were all enjoying a pleasant afternoon. In Texas you can still have those well into December. It almost makes up for the scorching 100+ temperatures in the months of July, August, and September.
At two years old my son never ceases to amaze me. He is now proving to be quite the rambunctious kid. My wife and I have gotten into a regular habit of attempting to predict the ways in which he will "act out" for the sole reason that we will be better prepared to discipline him in a reasonable yet effective way.
With the new sand-box we could pretty much guess that trying to put water into the sand-box is one thing we are going to have to address. It doesn't sound like a big deal but it's a great deal easier to clean up a sandy child than a muddy one. We also guessed correctly that tossing sand out into the yard was another behavior would have to account for. But who would have predicted the enthusiastic and relentless nature with which my son would attempt to shovel sand into his mouth? At least one might think that after the first attempt, the taste of gritty sand would deter a second attempt. Not so. Because of the reaction he got from Mom and Dad, he was more than prepared to swallow sand again. To him it was hilarious!
So I am lying on the couch later that night pondering how my son came to this decision. What synapse in his brain generated that creative idea? It's unfathomable... He is well beyond putting EVERYTHING in his mouth. We haven't worried about choking hazards in months. He's even reached an age where he has an opinion about what food he eats. I mean, he doesn't want to eat eggs with his bacon in the morning but a mouth full of dirt sounds like a good time!
I guess I can't complain. It's creative, I'll give him that. Who knows, perhaps that creativity in his little kid-brain-head will be the same creativity that wins him a noble peace prize, or helps him create the next best invention since sliced bread.