Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Record Turn-Out for First Apperance

The outpouring of support almost brings me to tears. If I wasn't so manly I'd probably have to use a kleenex right about now. It means a great deal that the people demonstrate their support with all the letters, emails, and ransom notes. I'm touched. I'm mostly touched by this crowd from my most recent appearance. Here are a few quotes from the rest of the team. You can tell they are moved as well.

Han: I owe YOU one, CyberD.

Vader: The foce is strong with this one.

Luke: But I was going to go to Tachi Station to pick up some power converters!

Chewy: Arrrrgggghhhhh!

R2-D2: Bleep!

Anyway, thanks again for all your support.


Dagromm said...

Did I mention the REAL Quad members were recently on National Radio???

Enjoy playing your podunk little venues, while we continue on to success.

Nate said...

It's amazing how many people will come out to see a train wreck.

Q said...

Did you see how the concert was billed?

'CyberD and The Quad'

CyberD is using the name 'The Quad' and I demand repercussions. I also imagine that there were some pretty pissed off concert goers after that show...

heather said...

cyber, feel free to stop in at the show any time. to confirm and/or deny rumors, sing, recite the alphabet. whatever you like. we're on again at 12am friday est which is something like 9 or 10pm thursday in california. who knows, i know you'll figure it out. you're smart like that. :-)

Cyber D said...

heather, you can count on it! I think by Friday there will be much to say on the subject. Also, thanks for sticking up for ol' CyberD despite the lies that The Quad spreads!

Q said...

How dare you not respond to me CyberD! Even after I was the only one that voted not to kick you out of the quad. That is it we are through...

Cyber D said...

Q, just what kind of response did you want regarding the lies you are spreading about me? You can't quit me... because I QUIT YOU!

Q said...

CyberD, I guess I miss wrote that sentence. What I meant to say was that you could stop, I was finished...

Cyber D said...

Gotcha... I think.

heather said...

can't wait! :-)