Monday, June 04, 2007

I'll give you a head start!

My office is pretty competitive. There are seven people that hold positions like mine and we all do basically the same thing, making it fairly easy to compare, contrast, and "race" each other in our progress towards our individual goals. We are also all new, making it all the more easy to gauge each other equally in terms of progress.

So I was thinking about this little fact as I was driving into work this morning. You see I had an especially challenging weekend, as my wife is getting her home business up and running again, having taken a hiatus for the birth of Lil' Higgins. This was my second weekend where I have basically been on my own with "the boys." Let me tell you, when they are about six and eight years old, it's going to be great to take them to football games, movies, camping, etc. etc. But a two year old and a newborn are hard-ass work. That's not to say that older kids are easier but at least my back will not be breaking in half from carting Lil' Higgins in my arms all morning and giving horse-back rides to Lil' Magnum all afternoon.

I digress... (I do that allot)

Long story - short: I felt like the walking dead last night and I feel just terrible this morning. I'm thinking about this driving into work because most of my co-workers don't have children and none of them have children under the age of four. I couldn't help but be a little envious of all the rest they must have had this weekend, the feeling of being refreshed heading into the office, of getting their week started with a bang - like a race horse right out of the gate! Meanwhile, I'm still getting my saddle on and my jockey is busy puking in the bathroom, attempting to make the weight limit.

God help me I'm tired.


Nate said...

One idea: Booby Traps

Let's see much sleep they get after finding a bear trap under their desk.

heather said...

oh gyuss.

i remember how ragged i felt all the time when cheeks was very small. i can't imagine two.

look at it this way though, while your co-workers are doing whatever it is that childless people do on weekends, (i don't remember any more. do you?) you are gaining experience in crisis management and honing your skills. your super keen ability to prioritize will get you far. after all, who better knows than a parent of very young child(ren) that it is imperative to distract first. so that you can sucessfully solve the problem at hand with minimal intrusions.

heather said...

btw, at first i thought your pic was one i have of bear as a kitten, couldn't figure out how you got it. lol

Nate said...

Heather, you're just proving me theory that children are a parasite that get expotentially more expensive over a 25 year period.

Q said...

I know my parents see me as that...

Cyber D said...

Gyuss, don't think I'm not prepared for that if necessary.

heather, if changing diapers at lightning speed and singing "Old MacDonald Had a Farm" 100 times in a row is on my job evaluation than I am more than prepared.

I got that pic off google images... it is a cute little kitten though isn't it?

Gyuss, yeah but I plan to live off them for the 25 years following that.

Cyber D said...

Q, sorry your comment came through as I was typing mine. I'm sure your parents love you... they just say those hurtful things to make you stronger.

Dagromm said...

Have you tried using steroids or uppers? They might help you with your energy level.

Tera said...

"I felt like the walking dead last night and I feel just terrible this morning."

That sounds like my day Saturday!!! Is that telopathy or what?!?!?!

Cyber D said...

tera, indeed.

fringes said...

I'm down for some uppers...