Monday, September 17, 2007

What is wrong with me?

I'm often reminded of my child's innocent nature when he invariably throws down a phrase that makes my inner-junior-high-self chuckle. My son got some new toys for his 3rd birthday this weekend.

He has now reached the stage where he is no longer content to just bang a stick against a wall or roll balls across the floor. He is practicing pretend play so horses have to chase each other around the house and super heroes are always in the business of saving other toys from their troubles.

Yesterday his new Superman and Wonder Woman action figures were bravely swooping down onto the breakfast table and lifting a various assortment of wildlife animals onto their backs, saving them from a deadly fire!

In this particular case my son wanted to make it clear to me which animal belonged to each superhero. The following conversation ensued:

Lil' Magnum: We got to save the animals, Daddy!

Me: Okay, son. Which animals should we save first?

Lil' Magnum: This is Superman's Rhino, Daddy!

Me: Wow, Superman saved a rhinoceros. That's great!

Lil' Magnum: This is Wonder Woman's Beaver!

Me: (Very long pause attempting to hold back my hysteria) That's... great... son. I'm glad Wonder Woman saved her beaver.

I'm a terrible father.


Aunt Eliz said...

Laughing histerically.

Susan said...

I'm proud that you didn't laugh. I would have laughed.

Tera said...

I have a beaver...a purple one. And don't try to act like you all caught me in a lie, because what I told you was I don't have a rabbit...and I don't...shit, anyways...

Way to go on not laughing dad!

NoRegrets said...

Oh Lordy, I would have laughed and laughed and made up some story why it was funny. But, note also that superman had his rhino which has a big long stiff horn at the end... didn't notice that, did you? the kid's getting aware...

Q said...

I got nothin'

Nate said...

That was awesome.

Nate said...

So did he snatch Wonder Woman's beaver from the evil bearded clam?

Was there a kitty that needed to be put in it's box?

I'm just asking...

NoRegrets said...

The Gnome was too shy to use the word 'pussy'. Awww... isn't that sweet.

Cyber D said...

aunt eliz, glad you find my serious discomfort humorous!

susan, thanks... it took everything in my power not to do so.

tera, a purple beaver? You may want to get that checked!

noreg, actually I did notice the very subtle Rhino analogy as well. I wondered if anyone else would. You get extra points!

Q, I'm used to that.

G, Glad you like it.

Tera said...

Let me say this sloooowwwly..."Beaver is to Tera as...Little Magnum's action figures are to Little Magnum"

Get it NOW? Got it? Good!

Tera said...

Hmmm...maybe that wasn't a good analogy considering what I do with the beaver on certain occasions??? But you get the point!

-Papa said...

For a second I could have sworn you post said "shaved her beaver" not "saved her beaver". You know those Amazons...,

Tera said...

I must scream it loud, from the mountain tops...if Dagromm doesn't resurface, I so move to rename the Crotch Wizards the Trio!

heather said...

i do believe you now qualify for the 'amazingly still sane, dad of the year' award. just wait cyber. it just keeps getting better. :-)

Steph said...

How did you not laugh? That's GOLD.

Cyber D said...

Tera, Oh I get the point all right... Like a fox!

Papa, that would have been even funnier!

Tera, there is a motion on the floor for a Quad re-name...? Dear Lord...

Heather, that's what worries me.

Steph, Through sheer force of will, but it was damn funny!