Monday, November 19, 2007


I woke up this morning with the realization that I am about to board a five hour flight tomorrow from Cybertown, U.S.A. to Los Angeles with my wife, two sons who both have head colds, and my parents.

I myself have recently strained my left wrist for some unknown reason, although my doctor tells me it was from over-use... whatever that means. I'm checking two car seats, a double stroller, and enough bags of clothes, toys, and various miscellaneous items to stock a large department store!

I am insane.


Q said...

Finally starting that professional porn star career! I applaud you CyberD! No more amateur filming for you!

Nate said...

Left wrist? I always thought it was your right forearm that looked like Popeye.

Susan said...

I'm in an odd sort of awe right now. I'm not sure if it's over your bravery for all those items or the popeye arm...

heather said...

kids + slightly over the recommended dose of cold medicine and a mickey for the wife = a quiet trip.

being the holiday season, no one would blame you.

in all seriousness though, bless you. what an undertaking. holidays are stressful as is, the added stress of sick babies is too much for one man to handle. call in reinforcements if possible.

Tera said...

Me too.

Cyber D said...

Q, that's right... this brotha is getting paid!

G, both look like popeye, but the left still has some endurance problems.

susan, I'm guessing it's both.

heather, REPORT CARD: I give the trip a C+ overall. There were some happy fun times but the sleepless nights and sickness were enough to make it this side of crappy.

tera, me too.