Friday, October 20, 2006

The Doctor Is In!

Several months ago I did an early review of the new "Who" series. Typically I give shows 5 to 6 episodes before giving up on them completely. Sci-Fi/Fantasy programing gets an even longer leash from me. Sometimes as much as two whole seasons. For Doctor Who I might have given the series three whole seasons before giving up. I am happy to say that it is no longer necessary to take the "wait and see" attitude. The new Doctor Who series is freakin' fantastic!

I have to say that it was touch and go there at first. Eccelston really didn't do it for me. I enjoyed the stories... somewhat (although the pacing still felt rushed). I thought Billie Piper had been great as the sidekick and the guest cast had been excellent. Still something about it didn't feel right. It was as if the Doctor was too cool. Almost too hip with his studly leather jacket and rugged good looks. In the past The Doctor was almost always in control of the situation but he at least gave us a thrill ride because the actor playing the part always attacked the role with a genuine seriousness making the jeapordy feel more real. Eccelston played the confident Doctor well. Almost too well. Sure, he would occasionally act the fool or give the camera a wide-eyed gawking stare. But for the most part he strolled through the scenes like the jock quarterback in the school play who was only their because his cheerleader girlfriend insisted he play opposite her in Romeo and Juliet. I was seriously beginning to worry that the direction of popular culture had forever turned The Doctor into Han Solo. Luckily the first Dalek story came along about half-way through season one. It was strong and potentially the best of the first season. The finale was equally enjoyable and also happened to feature the Daleks again.

But stop the freaking presses! David Tennant as the Doctor in season 2 has been outstanding. The pacing of the stories (in my opinion) has improved (or perhaps I am just getting used to the one-hour format. In all honesty, the shinning part of the new season is Tennant. He fits the bill for the Doctor perfectly. He is the right balance of hero and galactic renegade. He has the perfect mix of English gentleman and bizarre alien attributes. And he gives each scene a frenetic twist that sends a message to the audience that the situation may be in hand but it is far from safe! I can't say enough good things about this actors portrayal. The original series will always hold a very dear place in my heart and few of the new episodes will ever outshine the best of the classic series but season 2 is proving to be packed with great stories and Tennant may very well rank as my third favorite Doctor placing just behind Tom Baker and Peter Davidson.

So welcome to a permanent spot on my TiVo, Doctor. I am so very proud of your return!


Q said...

The new Dr. Who, Dancing with the Stars, Heroes and Old Farscape re-runs but no It's always Sunny. I scoff at your Tivo, filled with bad television.

Cyber D said...

Hey, I've got "Sunny Philly" in my TiVo. I just said I wasn't that impressed. Just a little too over-the-top-wacky for me. I prefer my over-the-top humor in the form of cartoon programing like South Park and the Simpsons. Don't get me wrong. It is funny and I've chucked a few times but...

Hey wait a minute... I don't have to take this from you. You watch Dancing with the Stars too!

Q said...

I only watch DwtS until I am done. But "Sunny" just has great actors and writing unlike South Park and the Simpsons witch can both be over the top just not as clever as "Sunny", IMHO.

Cyber D said...

And you'll notice on my TiVo list that I don't have South Park... and I'm about to drop the Simpsons. Not a big fan of over-top-humor period.

Nate said...

only two shows on my Tivo that I can watch re-runs of still laugh my ass off

"sunny" and "the office"

Q said...

I agree 100% Gyuss. I actually have the current season of the office and last season's sunny on mine right now and every so often I will just turn one of them on to get a quick giggle. I have not actually watched the Simpsons in about 3 or more years, I stopped buying the seasons on DVD because I found myself not watching them. I do watch South Park but only rarely, but I catch the DVDs when they come out and watch them there, I still find some of it funny though they tend to go a little too far sometimes.

Cyber D said...

Look this wasn't supposed to be a debate on Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Like I mentioned in my post, I tend to give a show 5-6 episodes and maybe even a year before giving up. I've only watched 3 eps of Sunny so I'm not done with it. Q, you asked me about it at lunch the other day and I gave you my honest "opinon-so-far."

This post was supposed to be about the genius of Who. Man, Q! You can throw a plan off it's track almost as good as Dags!

Q said...

If you want comments on Dr. Who I believe your comment block might be empty, you know like the giant bag that the good doctor carries.

Dagromm said...

Once I saw the post was about Dr. Who I just skipped ahead to the comments, because I knew they would be more interesting...but only slightly.

Nate said...

oh yeah, the new Dr Who.

I'm actually waiting to Netflix it as soon as its out on DVD

Cyber D said...

Thank you, Gyuss. Q and Dags, you can eat my shorts!

Q said...

*pulls back the hammer*